Scientia Ricerca is an Open Access online publishing group which features originally and thought to provoke innovative and scientific excellence pertaining to various interdisciplinary areas.
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Anton N Peterlin*, Hans Gottlieb and Andreas I Jørgensen. 5(1): 01-07.
Intraosseous Transmigration of Permanent Maxillary Right Canine - Report of a Rare Case
Dr. Nagaveni NB* 6(1): 22-26.
From the Black Plague to the Coronavirus. COVID-19
Jaime Hinzpeter, M.D. 4(2): 17-19.
Fabiano De Macedo Salgueirosa and Maria Gisele Dos Santo 4(1): 18-24.
Cancer Incidence in Wild Animals and the Rejection of Peto’s Paradox Theory
Sorush Niknamian 4(1): 10-17.
We Have Learned So Much Yet We Don’t Think Outside The Box
Michael Ellenbogen 5(2): 39.
The Chemistry of Parkinson’s disease
Paul T E Cusack 5(1): 37-38.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Psychological Impact
Dr. Sobia Haqqi 5(1): 35-36.
Paul T E Cusack 5(1): 33-34.
James F Welles 5(1): 31-35.
Importance of Dental Health for a Healthy Mind and Healthy Body
Sobia Haqqi* 6(1): 01-02.
Influence of Different Types of Surface Treatment on Adaptation of Ceramic Laminate Veneer
Roweena Alaa El Din, Shaimaa Ahmed Abo-El Farag and Mohamed Hamed Ghazy* 4(1): 16-24.
Recent Research Developments in Parkinson's Disease
Alain L. Fymat 5(1): 12-30.
Ahmed M Ahmed1, Ahmed A Khalifa* 3(2): 22-26.
The Importance of Oral Health in Mass Gathering
Abbas Taher*, Ammar NH Albujeer 4(1): 01-03.
Role of Low Level LASER Therapy (LLLT) in Lymphoedema- Our Experience
Chirra Likhitha Reddy, Ravi Kumar Chittoria*, Abhinav Aggarwal1, Saurabh Gupta, Padma Lakshmi Bharathi Mohan, Shijina K, Imran Pathan. 4(1): 01-06.
Effect of Aqueous Extract of Triclisia Dictyophylla on Induced Depression in Mice
Ayissi Mbomo Rigobert-Espoir*, Abouem A Zintchem Auguste, Moto Okomolo Fleur Clarisse, Nanga Léopold Didier, Ngoa Manga Elisabeth Sylvie, Ngo Bum Elisabeth 5(1): 01-11.