Editor Guidelines

Scientia Ricerca Online Publishing Group recognizes the importance of an Editorial Board here. An Editorial Board is a very important part of Scientia Ricerca and the team makes huge contributions in maintaining the great quality of the Publications and the Content. The Scientia Ricerca Editorial Board follows a strict code of guidelines with an objective of furnishing the best manuscripts to the Global Public. These guidelines also help the Scientia Ricerca Editorial Board to maintain their integrity in their activities. The Editors have a great responsibility with a good set of high goals and principles that make them greatly efficient.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Editors are requested to express their view regarding the article after receiving it from author whether it falls under the journal scope or not and whether it meets the desired publication criteria or not.
  2. Editors are requested to perform detailed assessment of the manuscript and should suggest for any further modifications to be done in the article.
  3. After the completion of peer review process, the content will be forwarded to the author. The author should provide the necessary changes to be carried out in the article to augment its quality.
  4. The publication of article is based on Editors decision after getting satisfied with the quality of the paper.
  5. The decision of editor should not be influenced by any factors.
  6. The Editors rapid response is very essential to maintain the proper time constraints. In case the editors are busy with their work schedule and are unable to participate in the peer review process, then it is the editor’s responsibility to inform it to Editorial Office.
  7. Editors are requested to contribute their papers to the journal.

Editors are incalculable to the journal.

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